Biden's TikTok video promoting vaccinations with Jonas Brothers

Biden's TikTok video promoting vaccinations with Jonas Brothers

President Joe Biden collaborated with the Jonas Brothers in a new TikTok video to promote vaccinations, and it likely did not go the way the White House had envisioned. There was an overwhelming chorus of critics calling the video "cringe" — including left-wing activists castigating the messaging.

In the video, the boy band Jonas Brothers are lip-syncing audio clips from Sidetalk NYC, a popular social media account that conducts man-on-the-street interviews with New Yorkers that last about one minute. In one of the most popular Sidetalk NYC interviews, a homeless man from Coney Island incorrectly pronounces Biden's name as "Joe Byron." Good Samaritans have recently raised funds to help the man financially and reportedly get a home.

White House deputy press secretary Karine Jeane-Pierre tweeted out the video of the 79-year-old Biden and the boy band.

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